Saturday, January 25, 2020
Crew Pairing And Rostering Aviation Essay
Crew Pairing And Rostering Aviation Essay The award scheme below is loosely based on CASA regulations as regulations for the Asia and Thailand region could not be located. This award scheme takes into account Federal regulations and union negotiated contracts. A pilot may not fly and cannot be rostered when the pilot has exceeded: 38 working hours per any 7 consecutive days 100 working hours in any 28 consecutive days 900 working hours in any 364 consecutive days 11 working hours on a roster 8 hours flight time on a roster Be signed on more than once in a working day An employee (excluding pilot) may not serve work and cannot be rostered when they have exceeded: 59 working hours per any 7 consecutive days 155 working hours in any 28 consecutive days 1,400 working hours in any 364 consecutive days 11 working hours on a roster Periods free of duty: Pilot is allowed at least one weekend off in each calendar month Normally the pilot is rostered for 5 days on consecutive duty and 2 days free of duty. By mutual agreement deferral of one free of duty day can be arranged with the free of duty day taken within 30 days. Separation of free of duty days can be undertaken with mutual consent. If pilot is away from home base then deferral of free of duty days can be taken, however to be effective immediately upon return to home base. A pilot cannot be rostered after 2200 the day before free of duty is issued. If a pilot has worked after this time due to delays the pay rate will double. Similarly a pilot cannot be rostered before 0600 the day after free of duty has been issued. A pilot will have a rest time after being on duty of 9 consecutive hours embracing 2200 to 0600 local time OR 10 consecutive hours. If duty time has exceeded 11 hours due to delays the pilot will receive a rest period of 9 consecutive hours between 2200-0600 plus an hour for each 15 minutes over 11 hours OR 10 consecutive hours plus an hour for each 15 minutes over 11 hours. If duty time has exceeded 12 hours due to delays then the pilot shall receive a 24 hour rest period. Rostering: A pilots rosters must be compiled before 7 days of the roster period and cover a minimum 14 day period. Break: A pilot will be allowed a 30 minute break within 5 working hours. Leave: An employee is entitled to 42 days of annual leave which may be split over two sections within a calendar year. Work related injury or illness will have a maximum of 52 weeks absence from work fully paid if proof is found that firm is at fault. Sickness or injury occurring outside of work will have a paid leave of a maximum 10 days within a calendar year. Pay Rates 1:50 cabin crew ratio for 36-216 seats 1:36 Over 216 seats, 1 cabin crew member per each exit B787-9 8 exits Resource Planning Flight Crew Normal 28 Day Roster 18 days flying 1 day training 1 day reserve 8 days duty free Cabin Crew Normal 28 Day Roster 19 days flying 1 day training 8 days duty free Flight Crew There are 13 roster periods within a year (28 days) Non working days are 42(annual leave) + 10(sick leave) = 52 days per annum Therefore approximately 1.86 off duty periods per annum 900 working hours per annum max à · 11.14 working periods per annum = 80.77 working hours per period -80/10/13 80.77 working hours per period à · 19 flying days per period = 4.25 hours per day Therefore we must utilise our aircrew an average of 4.25 hours per each flying day to achieve maximum utilisation of 900 working hours within 364 consecutive days, the regulation limit. Cabin Crew There are 13 roster periods within a year (28 days) Non working days are 42(annual leave) + 10(sick leave) = 52 days per annum Therefore approximately 1.86 off duty periods per annum 1,400 working hours per annum max à · 11.14 working periods per annum = 125.67 working hours per period 125.67 working hours per period à · 20 flying days per period = 6.28 hours per day Hence to gain maximum utilisation out of our cabin crew respective to the 1,400 hours working limit per 364 consecutive days, the cabin crew would need to work approximately 6.28 hours per day. Pattern Planning Objective: Minimise the number of crew that have to work each day hence flying the current crew as many block hours as possible. This allows for high utilisation of crew leading to a decrease in the amount of crew needed. Crew staying over at DXB instead of BOM in case of delays BKK-DXB-BOM crew would go overtime. Duty time of BKK-DXB-BOM = 10:38 flight time = 7:53. Aurora Air has decided on changing the aircraft schedule to try and implement a very high utilisation of flight crew, however this ended up not working due to the constraints of maximum flight hours allowed at any one time. Pattern 01 (Base: BKK) Day 1 Sign On 0500 Day 1 BKK/TLV 0600/0946 7:46 Blk Day 1 Sign Off 1006 9:16 Dty Overnight: Tel Aviv Day 2 Sign On 1001 Day 2 TLV/BKK 1101/2247 7:46 Blk Day 2 Sign Off 2317 9:16 Dty Pattern 02 (Base: BKK) Day 1 Sign On 0700 Day 1 BKK/DXB 0800/1033 5:33 Blk Day 1 Sign Off 1103 7:03 Dty Overnight: Dubai Day 2 Sign On 1048 Day 2 DXB/BOM 1148/1538 2:20 Blk Day 2 BOM/BKK 1653/2155 3:32 Blk Day 2 Sign Off 2225 5:52 Blk 8:37 Dty Pattern 03 (Base: BKK) Day 1 Sign On 0730 Day 1 BKK/NRT 0830/1546 5:16 Blk Day 1 Sign Off 1616 6:46 Dty Overnight: Tokyo Day 2 Sign On 1601 Day 2 NRT/KIX 1701/1748 0:47 Blk Day 2 KIX/BKK 1833/2118 4:45 Blk Day 2 Sign Off 2148 5:32 Blk 7:47 Dty Pattern 04 (Base: BKK) Day 1 Sign On 0530 Day 1 BKK/PVG 0630/1052 Blk 3:22 Day 1 PVG/BKK 1207/1429 Blk 3:22 Day 1 Sign Off 1459 Blk 6:44 9:29 Dty Pattern 05 (Base: BKK) Day 1 Sign On 1444 Day 1 BKK/TPE 1544/1940 Blk 2:56 Day 1 TPE/BKK 2055/2251 Blk 2:56 Day 1 Sign Off 2321 Blk 5:52 8:37 Dty Pattern 06 (Base: BKK) Day 1 Sign On 1654 Day 1 BKK/HKG 1754/2058 Blk 2:04 Day 1 HKG/BKK 2213/2317 Blk 2:04 Day 1 Sign Off 2347 Blk 4:08 6:53 Dty Pattern 07 (Base: BKK) Day 1 Sign On 0600 Day 1 BKK/ICN 0700/1312 Blk 4:12 Day 1 Sign Off 1342 5:42 Dty Overnight: Seoul Day 2 Sign On 1327 Day 2 ICN/BKK 1427/1639 Blk 4:12 Day 2 Sign Off 1709 5:42 Dty Pattern 08 (Base: BKK) Day 1 Sign On 1638 Day 1 BKK/SIN 1738/2024 Blk 1:46 Day 1 SIN/BKK 2139/2225 Blk 1:46 Day 1 Sign Off 2255 Blk 3:32 6:17 Dty Pattern 09 (Base: BKK) Day 1 Sign On 0630 Day 1 BKK/PEK 0730/1219 Blk 3:49 Day 1 PEK/BKK 1334/1623 Blk 3:49 Day 1 Sign Off 1653 Blk 7:38 10:23 Dty Change due to 0600 constraint being included Constraints: Pattern 01 04 cannot have an OFF day preceding them 8 OFF days per roster period OFF days must be in pairs 1 Training day per roster period 1 Reserve day per roster period No reserve days overlap between each fleet type Each pattern flown only once each day An unscheduled day must follow a reserve day Crew Rostering Aurora Air has regarded that using the fair share system in which the airline will assign the crew their flying duties in a fair manner taking into account periods of duty free time, hours already flown, etc (Cybula, 2006). In addition crew rostering will take into account the legal limitations of all employees within our region of Thailand and Asia. We have decided to take this approach as we are a starting up airline and it is assumed that pilots apart from the chief pilot will have similar flying hours. All unscheduled days are assumed to be standby days in which the flight crew can be allocated to a flight within a short period of time. Priority will be given to reserve crew who will be stationed at the airport assisting with operations of flights and will be used first to cover any shortages in staff. However if a further shortage of flight crews is realised then any flight crew on standby can be called into duty. Both reserve crew and standby crew are to go without pay however reserve crew must be at the airport in full uniform. Reserve crew will be given meals at expense to the airline. Crews who are rostered as Reserve Ltd are limited in their ability as they cannot take over a flight pattern for more than one day as it will interrupt the normal schedule. Hence these days which only have reserve limited crew are much more susceptible to delays for the next coming day as the pilot may not be where they are normally rostered. Flight crew using wide body jets are paid significantly more than narrow body jet due to the long haul nature. Because of this long haul there is less availability to fly more routes and hence the crew wage is a multiple. The flight crew is also paid by block hours rather than duty hours and once again if crew is to stay overnight the current wage already includes a multiple that takes this into consideration. Accommodation is provided for flight and cabin crew at the airlines expense. Cabin crew will be rostered separately to the flight crew due to their own set of regulation circumstances which is not included in this report.
Friday, January 17, 2020
After Hope And Change
Despite winning reelection, President Obama had joined a group of three to her previous incumbents (Eisenhower, Wilson, and Clinton) who had all entered office origin anally with a united government in their very first term and then won reelection with a did vided government. Obama had lost his seats on the House of Representatives. Will on was the only other president in history to lose more seats than President Obama. The novel speaks on how five incumbent presidents since 1 896 had lost reel action and then begins to explain why those same factors didn't apply to President Obama.Us memorize the four arguments the authors make. There are multiple reasons Barrack Beam's 201 2 presidential reelection was slight victory although he won reelection, it was fairly close in the polls. The opponent NT Mitt Rooney didn't have a proficient performance when he had to present his plan NSA on if he was to be elected, not only did this show some of his flaws as a speaker but al so as a candidate . Rooney had way too many weak points that Obama was able to TA eke advantage of to convince the American people he was still their best option. R money pushed his few advantages way too far.He stayed on one topic the entire Tim e and would mindlessly talk about that same subject, which was a flaw on his part especial Y close to the elections. If Mitt Rooney had given better speeches and realized some of his mistakes before elections, the outcome may have been different in 2012. Summarize the arguments that the authors made concerning the results from the 2012 elections and what they may tell us about the 2016 elections. The first point made by the authors uses statistics to predict that the president till election in 2016 will be a battle for the most swing states.In 2012, Barrack Obama had gained the states that he won in his previous election. These states had also been the as me couple dates that the last three democratic presidential candidates had also won as well. Rooney had also won the states that previous republican candidates had won as well. There were only n,vow states that had changed between the 2008 and 2012 elections. Became use of how the republicans have lost the last two presidential elections (Including the 201 2 elections), they have some serious work to do and they must pull off swinging multiple s dates in the 201 6 elections (something that hasn't happened in half a century).The second point of the chapter speaks on the changes in demography. In bet when the ears of 2008 and 201 2 percentages of the ethnic groups that vote democrat increased very high. These voter increases were very noticeable with an increase in youth h support, especially for democrats. Without any explanation the numbers of ethnic race s that vote republican dropped. The very republican votes that dropped during the elect On W ere surprisingly white males. This made an impression that the youth were in co melt support of Obama. This is important because in the futu re it would seem that they will go on to support the democrats.At the same time it is very possible that the turn UT was quite low in the 201 2 race turnout for many favorable republican categories w as quite lower than expected. Minorities refused to vote for Mitt Rooney simply because SE their identity with him was almost nonexistent if he would become the next preside .NET. This very fact coupled those not in support of Obama, this led to people not voting at all, which severely hurt the republican parry's chances of winning the race. Minor ties can always change their mind on who they will vote for or even if they should vote at all depending on the status of the economy at that time.That very fact may lead o the republicans doing better with appeal to the minorities in the 2016 elections, a ND they could sway them, especially if no democrat could like President Obama. The final point discusses the reasoning of both democrats and republicans. D emaciates have always been focused on social justice, and the use of more federal govern moment plans, and redistributions policies. Democratic policies will be in full support of those whose jobs are given to by the government and those who receive benefits FRR mom the government (welfare, healthcare, etc).Meanwhile, the republicans are focuses on lowering taxes from the government, dividend liberty in the economic arena, a achieving a small federal government. The Democrats Will have those who chi goose to receive benefits from the government policies gravitate to their side, while re publicans will always focus on bringing rich businessmen who support themselves to the Eire side. Many republicans have joined the party because they are tired of an overpower erring federal government and paying high taxes.Chapter 2 Questions What were the issues and characteristics of politics arising from President b mama's first term hat figured in the 201 2 election. Give brief summaries Of what was involved I n these issues and the positions that Democrats and Republicans held in order to demonstrate t hat you have a general understanding of these issues. The unemployment rate during the recent recession was very shaky going up and down during the years of 2010, 2011 , 2012. There was a brief boom of jobs created during this period, this would end up disintegrating within a short period of time.Demo rats had originally said that during the time of President Beam's first term that he ha d actually ordered the high unemployment rate in America. Republicans were found to have said that because of how slowly the improvement of the economy has been, press dent Beam's policies in office slowed down the natural progress of improving the economy. This made their case for the recession being one of the longest ever. The flourishing of the nationwide deficit and debt rolled over onto President Beam's first term in 2008. In the ââ¬Å"Obama eraâ⬠, the national debt never fell below the amount off trillion dolla rs.The average in the first term was 1. 33 trillion dollars. This peer entangle was appalling because no one could have possibly predicted such a number a coo plea yea RSI before Beam's election. The overall federal spending amount of the GAP ha d increased nearly 5% from 2007 to 2012. Republicans went on to say that Barrack Obama presidency was the true cause of all of the spending. To counter that statement NT, Democrats had responded saying that an increase in the deficit was just as UN avoidable as the last President who happened to be a republican (George W.Bush) who ha d originally put America in this very predicament. Political popularization had become a big problem during Beam's first term. In such a divided government, reaching an agreement between both democrats and re publicans was extremely difficult. What did the 2010 midterms reveal about politics nationally? It was revealed that the American people were heavily in support of Republican NSA Simply because President Be am's first term had not been the best in the ââ¬Å"popularity y contestâ⬠. It exposed many of the ideologies of the American people with the unveiling of a now completely divided government.How did President Obama improve his political position leading into the election? President Obama began to improve his political position by lowering the socio I security tax by two percent of the original price in December of 201 1. This was to been fit lower income workers whose payroll tax was more than their income tax. Such a pop were play in office proved that Obama was in support Of the lower and middle classes and that unlike republicans the upper class wasn't a priority. The Occupy Wall Street Movement that began in mid September 2011 also boo Existed President Obama.The movement/ strike blamed the top ââ¬Å"one percent' of the country (Rich) for all the problems with the current economy. The movement also bell paved that he 1% has benefited while the rest of the country is in suf fering. Obama had decided that he was indeed support of those who weren't wealthy which politically is a strong decision because it accounts for 99% of the nation President Obama benefited from the reports of his speech after the beginning Eng of The Occupy Movement stating that the unemployment rate had actually fallen fro m 9% to 8. % within the time period of early December 2011 to late March 2012. Chapter 3 Questions What reasons do the authors give as to why it was unlikely that Mitt Rooney would win the nomination? It was very unlikely that Mitt Rooney would end up winning the nomination f president because he was seen as ââ¬Å"an uncomfortable fitâ⬠because he only fit n one of the three factions of the GOP.He appealed to many of the old school republicans with his strong corporate background in big business, but was considered to be very weak with the other two factions of the GOP (social and Christian conservatives care about t he laws of abortion, same sex marriage, and other concerns). The book describes two structural changes that had an impact on the amino Zion process: Republicans limiting winner aka all primaries until after April 1 and the changes in the laws regulating campaign finance. Summarize both changes and the effect they ha d on the nomination campaigns.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Who Is The Villain - Frankenstein Or The Monster
Sonali Patel Gothic Literature Professor Lynch March 9, 2015 Who is the Villain? ââ¬â Frankenstein or the Monster? Every story has its hero and villain. Some authorsââ¬â¢ works easily clarify the debate between which character is the ultimate protagonist or the antagonist, but sometimes the author tries to toy with readersââ¬â¢ minds. Similarly, Frankensteinââ¬â¢s author, Marry Shelley is one of the authors who is not straightforward about who is the villain in her novel. In Frankenstein, both the Monster and Victor Frankenstein could be considered the villains in the book. Doctor Victor Frankenstein is an alchemist who is obsessed with creating life from the dead. He creates the green creature, also given the name Frankenstein, who is portrayed as the Monster in Mary Shelleyââ¬â¢s Frankenstein. Dr. Frankensteinââ¬â¢s complete disregard for mortal beings, obsession with becoming a God, and his self-centeredness throughout the novel are all good evidence to why he ââ¬â Dr. Victor Frankenstein plays the role of the villain in the story. Throughout the novel, Victor ignores and shows no interest or empathy towards human beings. He is an alchemist himself who is interested in making things come to life from the dead specifically. He was unable to differentiate the ââ¬Å"impracticabilityâ⬠of this creation he had in mind (Shelley 54). Victor has this big idea of taking body parts of the dead people and creating this creature that also becomes known as the Monster. He does not think about the future of theShow MoreRelatedWho is the Villain in the Frankenstein? Essay714 Words à |à 3 Pagesplaywright of Frankenstein and it has been adapted since then by Phillip Pullman. Mary wrote it in 1818 and it was first performed in 1988, at the Polka Childrens theatre in Wimbledon. In the play, a doctor called Victor Frankenstein created life from an experiment, a monster, and although Frankenstein had intended the monster (who wasnt to be called the monster) to be a kind, caring and loving creature, the wa y the villagers treated him and turned away in disgust when they saw the monster, was theRead MoreWhat Makes Frankenstein A Gothic Novel?877 Words à |à 4 PagesIV December 4, 2016 What makes Frankenstein a gothic novel? Mary Shelley creates a sense of gloom, mystery, and suspense, in her novel Frankenstein. The book generates these perceptions though the setting and the terrible events that go on throughout the book. Gothic novels came from the English genre of fiction popular in the 18th and 19th centuries. Gothics are defined by the mysterious and horrific atmosphere, similar to that of Mary Shelleyââ¬â¢s writing. Frankenstein is a gothic novel because of theRead More Frankensteins Creature is a Victim, NOT A Villain Essays1133 Words à |à 5 PagesFrankensteins Creature Is A Victim Not A Villain In this essay I aim to discuss the statement Frankensteins creature is a victim not a villain In 1814 Mary Wollestonecraft met Percy shelly, a poet and writer. They ran away together, to escape Marys family and Percys pregnant wife, Harriet. Harriet drowned herself and Mary and percy were married two weeks later. Frankenstein was started in 1816 and finally published in 1818. From 1815 to 1819 three of mary Shellys four childrenRead MoreEssay on The True Villian in Frankenstein1590 Words à |à 7 PagesMary Shelly wrote the Gothic tale Frankenstein. In the novel, who is the true villain, the Monster or Victor Frankenstein? Which character do you have the most sympathy for? Mary Shelly wrote the novel ââ¬Å"Frankensteinâ⬠using gothic techniques. Nearly 200 years after the book was first published in 1818 the readers still debate about the real villain of the story. Victor Frankenstein could be the hero of the story; the reader sympathises with him when he suffers the loss of his mother, his Read More Victor is the True Villain of Frankenstein Essay1248 Words à |à 5 Pagesglance, the monster in Frankenstein is a symbol of evil, whose only desire is to ruin lives. He has been called A creature that wreaks havoc by destroying innocent lives often without remorse. He can be viewed as the antagonist, the element Victor must overcome to restore balance and tranquility to the world. But after the novel is looked at on different levels, one becomes aware that the creature wasnt responsible for his actions, and was just a victim of circumstance. The real villain of FrankensteinRead MoreFrankenstein by Mary Shelley849 Words à |à 3 Pages ââ¬Å"Who is the true antagonistâ⬠is a question that a reader may mull upon during the reading of certain novels. In Mary Shelleyââ¬â¢s Frankenstein, the main character, Victor Frankenstein, although thought to be a victim, is in fact the villain of the novel Franke nstein. The plot of the novel consists of Victor Frankenstein causing tragedies and deaths as a result of his irresponsibility and yearning for fame. Victor also creates an antagonizing creature that has absolutely no knowledge of the basic waysRead MoreFrankenstein as Anti-Hero Character1578 Words à |à 7 PagesSUCI HANIFAH LITERARY CRITICISM II EDRIA SANDIKA/MARLIZA YENI 8 MAY 2013 Frankenstein as Anti Hero Character A women who wrote ââ¬Å"Frankensteinâ⬠named, Mary Shelley, she was born August 30, 1797, in London, England. Mary Shelley came from a rich literary heritage. She was the daughter of William Godwin, a political theorist, novelist, and publisher. Her ideas to write Frankenstein cameon summer of 1816, Mary and his brother Percy visited the poet Lord Byron at his villa beside Lake Geneva in SwitzerlandRead MoreNegative Criticism Of Frankenstein1279 Words à |à 6 Pagesshocked to life is named Frankenstein. However, that is not the case in the original book ââ¬Å"Frankensteinâ⬠by Mary Shelley. As my classmate said, ââ¬Å"Frankensteinâ⬠is not only an ionic book, but also ironic considering that the theme of Frankenstein is people being misunderstood when the book itself has misconceptions over the true meaning thanks to the movie that changed the views people had over Frankenstein. Today there are several viewpoints over the works of ââ¬Å"Frankensteinâ⬠. Some people consider theRead MoreComparing The Movie Frankenstein And Frankenstein2368 Words à |à 10 PagesThe two classic movies Dracula and Frankenstein both have very different stories from one another but the similarities between the two movies is the characteristics of their main characters. The main idea between the two movies is that they are both fascinated with creatures which are Count Dracula and Frankensteinââ¬â¢s monster that are irregular, dangerous, and abnormal from others beings in their movies. Frankensteinââ¬â¢s monster as well as Count Dracula both cause hazard to the other characters inRead MoreEdgar Allen Poe s Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde, And The Tell Tale Heart1579 Words à |à 7 PagesGothic Frankenstein The amount of scary books, dark video games and horror movies in the horror genre is unparalleled by any other single genre. People who take part in this genre enjoy the heart-pounding thrill of being scared or the long drawn out tension that causes them to sit on the edge of their seat. Historically many of the early examples of the horror or gothic genre like Dracula by Bram Stoker, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson, and The Tell Tale Heart by Edgar
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
How is baseball Americas favorite pastime - 1313 Words
Higa 1 Kainoa Higa English 12 Ms. Grimble 10 April 2014 How Is Baseball Americans Favorite Past-Time Imagine you going up to the plate and hitting a base hit to score the winning run in the last inning. I will be talking to you about baseball, Americans favorite pastime. When I first played the game of baseball, I thought that baseball was so boring but when I got older, it got very interesting. The connection I can make is that baseball is Americaââ¬â¢s past time and has deep traditional values in many of us like me. Abner Doubleday, a young man from New York City invented the game of baseball in the summer of 1839. It became Americaââ¬â¢s beloved national pastime. Baseball is Americaââ¬â¢s favorite pastime because everyoneâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦A torn elbow ligament is the most common area to have an injury. The locations were it happens is in the inside of the elbow joint. The differents between baseball and football is that football is at a fast paste and baseball is at a slow paste. Football is also a contact sport so thatââ¬â¢s why people like football more then baseball. Baseball was divided by two leagues the Nationals and the American. Baseball has more games then football. Football has 16 games in a season and baseball has 162 games in a season. Baseball is so good that they donââ¬â¢t need cheerleaders. Baseball you donââ¬â¢t need to rush to the finish meaning you can take your time and for football you have to score as many points before each quarter. Baseball has better value history then other sports because you can see your records from past to the future. Baseball is the sport to play out. Football if the time runs out the team with the most points wins the game. Football is a fast game game because the time keeps on running unless thereââ¬â¢s a time out or a incomplete pass. People say that football is Americanââ¬â¢s favor ite pastime because in football you can hit someone but really baseball is the number one favorite pastime. One of the greatest moments is hitting a home run because it makes you feel so good to do. I think that baseballââ¬â¢s Americaââ¬â¢s favorite past time because you can have fun and watch people hit home runs, and watch the teamsShow MoreRelatedBaseball Is America s National Pastime976 Words à |à 4 Pagespeople tune in to watch their favorite sports being played. Over the years baseball has traditionally been known as the national pastime among all sports, but the rich tradition and history behind baseball is still around and noticed, with that being said, baseball is still referred to as Americaââ¬â¢s national pastime. This can be attributed to many factors including a superior television product, more controlled violence, and legalized gambling with fantasy football and baseball. Each and every week millionsRead MoreWhy Baseball Is The National Pastime937 Words à |à 4 PagesA pastime is an activity that someone does for their enjoyment rather than for work. The Civil War soldiers are strong examples as to why baseball is the national pastime. The nervous anticipation that grips a solider as they prepare for battle. Their job consists of tasks that if performed incorrectly could result in fatalities. It is hard to imagine that an individual could block out the death and suffering that goes along with the job of being a civil war solider. This is why the stories of soliderRead MoreBaseball Is A Sport Of Baseball888 Words à |à 4 Pagesââ¬Å"There are only two seasons, winter and baseballâ⬠(Veeck). For most people, baseball is a way of life, not just a sport they play or watch. The history of baseball goes all the way back to the 1800s, and is a sport played in many countries around the world. Baseball is one of Americaââ¬â¢s most popular sports, and it would not be called Americaââ¬â¢s Pastime if it wasnââ¬â¢t. The rules of baseball might be simple to grasp, but the game in itself is very difficult. Baseball has history that cannot be forgottenRead MoreAn American Moment : The Heart Of The Wrigley Field1181 Words à |à 5 Pagesball to a little kid in the bleachers holding his glove out so eagerly. The warm ups are over and the announcers smoothly say, ââ¬Å"Cubs fans, itââ¬â¢s time to play ball.â⬠Baseball is one of Americas favorite pastimes, people have been coming out to watch long baseball games since the sport began. The National Anthem being sung at every baseball game shows the pride Americans have for our country. This is a time where the whole stadium comes together regardless of the team theyre rooting for and stands upRead More Performance Enhancing Steroids in Major League Baseball Essay901 Words à |à 4 PagesPerformance Enhancing Steroids in Major League Baseball The issue that our group is tackling is the use of illegal performance enhancing steroids in Major League Baseball. Major League Baseball is big business in the U.S., with 30 franchises valued at over 8.8 billion dollars. Player salaries range from the league minimum salary of three hundred twenty five thousand per year to ten million or more per year, and are based on the market value of each player when his current contract expires.Read MoreBook Report on Baseball: A History of Americas Game by Benjamin G. Rader 1036 Words à |à 5 Pageson Baseball: A History of Americas Game by Benjamin G. Rader In Baseball: A History of Americas Game, the Author Benjamin G. Rader discusses the history of baseball and how it de veloped to present day. Rader explains how baseballRead MoreBaseball And Its Impact On Baseball1736 Words à |à 7 PagesBaseball was introduced to America in the 1800s. As the game of baseball started to become popular, many people became interested in the game. Baseball fanatics fell in love with the sport, but not everyone could play. Racial discrimination found its way to baseball when the game was first discovered and created many controversies that prevented many colored players from playing the game because of their skin color. This could be part of the reason why in todayââ¬â¢s culture, you do not see many blackRead MoreEssay on Steroids in Baseball2587 Words à |à 11 PagesHall of Shame Baseball has always been known as ââ¬Å"Americaââ¬â¢s Favorite Pastimeâ⬠. Over the past decade, the game America knows and loves has been exposed as a game full of cheaters. Major League Baseball(MLB) has had over one hundred players test positive for performance-enhancing substances over the past fifteen years. Performance-enhancing substances increase a playerââ¬â¢s ability to produce better stats to help his salary. The past fifteen years of baseball have contained dirty play by some of theRead MoreAmerica s Most Important Pastime2091 Words à |à 9 PagesAmericaââ¬â¢s Most Important Pastime Today men and women live equal lives. They have the same opportunities when it comes to jobs, voting, education, and practically any other entitlement that comes to mind. According to the Constitution, equality for women came about in 1920. That was the year women received the right to vote, and in their eyes received the right to be seen as an equal instead of a lesser person. However, to the dismay of many women, that idea was not entirely true. Women were stillRead MoreEssay about Japanese Baseball: Nippon Professional Baseball 674 Words à |à 3 PagesBaseball has homegrown roots here in America. Starting in 1839 it instantly became a phenomenon that still captures American hearts and attention spans today. The Japanese created their own league called the Nippon Professional Baseball in 1920. Though they borrowed the idea and sport, there are key differences in how the game is played on the tiny island nation. In true Japanese fashion, they took an idea making innovations and im provements to create something resembling the past but yet having
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